Baby sheepskin (or lambskin) yes or no?
For centuries mother had wound their children in sheepskin just after the birth and here in Germany it's still a common thing, recommended by midwives, pediatricians, antroposophic clinics and -the most important- from my friend Nicolina (wich, I swear, when it comes about my daughters, she's more competent than any midwife or pediatrician). Some studies showed that sheepskin keep the baby warm and dry and it helps develop her physical and emotional skills; the heat of the wool infuses calm and induces the newborn to relax helping her sleep better.
Obviously, it's necessary to purchase skins of sheep raised naturally, not treated with parasiticides and after not whitened or igenized.
As a vegan-vegetarian for more than twenty years -like I am- that has been a hard choice. I Have thought and consider it endlesly in my head: I would have sacrifice an animal for my daughter but what kind of message would I give to my children? not a very coherent one.
I have decided for a test, someone lends me his sheepskin and, I don't know if it's just my personal impression, but Tilda Joy seems to like it. She tosses naked in it and then she falls asleep, happy. If you decide to buy one of your own, sleep in it for a few months before giving to your babyborn because the skin will imbue with your smell/parfume and your baby will feel protected.
So, today the skin is here and I feel some guilt, I hope that twenty years of vegetarianism and animalist conscience will equalizes the account with my Karma.
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